Ever now and again ..and again, I like to take a moment and reflect on the good. My Mother is both an optimist and a former majorette so it could be said she passed the baton onto me (Whoa-ho, look @ the humor on her!)
Things that have made me laugh, smile, giggle, smirk and/or pat myself on the back, as of late:
-Salsa hat!
-A grocery shopping social
-The odd number of strangers who have waved @ me lately
-Winter (Yep, I'm one of THOSE people)
-Twinkle lights. Twinkle lights. Twinkle lights.
-Peek-a-boo w/ Princess Milo
-Coffee, just black ..Especially when it spills on my coat and then freezes upon contact so I can just flick it off ..Amazing!
-The nice man who helped lift my wheelie cart from the ice, in the middle of the street (And who was yelling "Can I help you!?" multiple times before I even noticed ..Damn you, headphones)
-Danger Mike, all of his Bears' glory and when he said "This is a shelter for a lot of us"
-"Heheh," "Awww" and "Totally" ..."Touche"
-Tiny Tim and his calzone feet
-Weighing Marshall's CDs
-Jason and the magical J-Light ..And the "beard of my dreams"
-Dr. Pepper flavored chapstick (Ooo and handsome kitty Dr. Pepper)
-"You're Glenn Campbell ignorant"
-The fact that the S copyright belongs to both Starburst and Skittles
-Microwaving glue sticks
-"God asked Noah if he wanted to die/He said no sir, no sir/God said here's your future ..It's going to rain" (from The Thermal's "Here's Your Future")
-Super tan people in the middle of December
-A mix every other day club
-Marshall's impersonation of the IDEXX "boys in the lab" and how they oddly sound a lot like the staff @ Chinalite
-Sharon and her boyfriend's sister
-Clean Michael Jordan Day
-Three cheers for Unsolved Mysteries!
-And and and
-Sweepstake prizes
-Tasty starlight mints
-The charity with the most unfortunate name: Santa for the Very Poor (SVP)
-Jennifer Aniston PSAs "But it wasn't the trampoline, was it? (camera one) ..IT WAS A BRAIN TUMOR"
-"three of my co-workers look like the three main guys from 'Barney Miller'." (Thank you Nick)
-Clem Snide Sundays (And how their live cover of "Albuquerque" sounds like "hhhhhhave a cooooooookie")
-If the soap dispenser makes bubbles that means it's going to rain cookies!
-Frozen cereal ..A cereal-pop
-Pajama pant desktops
-The first 30 seconds of Wilco's "Jesus, Etc."
-The word "fungus-y"