"Attention! The Front Desk attendant is holding a parcel for you!"
The girl spins around and heads back to the elevator -Her mind full of wonder. "A package? For me? From who? Hmm? I'm not expecting anything. Who sent me a package? Rawr!"
Frazzled Girl: "Hey Meredith ...I have a package?"
Meredith (trusty front desk woman extroidinare ...if not a tad bit too Pentecostal): "Umm hmm ...And girl, you're not gonna be all that happy about it ...wait til you see this thing"
Frazzled Girl: (confusion -crinkled brow)
Frazzled Girl: "Metamucil! Hooray!"
Meredith: (laughter)
Girl walks back to elevator, back to her apartment -Tired from her trek downtown, the girl enjoys two small/crushed Metamucil Fiber Wafers "in Cinnamon Flavor". She then grabs her camera and opts to "blog" about her crappy (no pun-intended) package.
End (rather elongated) scene.
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