Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Why Cindy Brady Never Collected Coins

Numismatics (nu-mis-mat-ics): n. study of coins. The study of money or means of exchange. Usually exclusively used for the study of coins and tokens.

Numismaticist (nu-mat-I-cist): A coin collector. Numismatics deals with the historical, artistic, technological, social and commercial nature of money in the present, the past and in all countries of the world.

Last Friday, my friend Chris and I met up for drinks at a favorite neighborhood bar. Chris bought the first round with his newfound collection of $1 Presidential coins.

Chris: “I don’t know why …I was just at the bank and decided to ask for some …Look at John Quincy Adams.”
Me: “He’s never looked so good.”
Bartender: “You know, most bartenders would be upset over this but I’m totally taking some of these home!”
Chris: “These are a big deal for coin collectors …Numerists? Oo c’mon, they have a name ….”

[Note: The following is an excerpt from Chris and I’s great brainstorm. I’m noting to say that this all occurred before any proper sip of our hoppy beverages.]

“Numatit-s-ist! Numatitsist!”
“Wait, does it even involve ‘mint‘?”
“You know I’m going to Google this when I get home.”

[Post-Google phone conversation]

Me: “Numismatics!”
Chris: “Yes! I knew it! Numismatics, nu-mis-mat-icist!”
Me: “Numismatici-st-s-s …No wonder Cindy Brady never collected coins.”

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