I'm being stalked.
"You're what?"
Well, I'll tell you ...I am being stalked by five men: John, Zal, Steve, Joe + Jerry ...You might know them as the Lovin' Spoonful (that's the original line-up at least. "Wait Jordyn, you know the Lovin' Spoonful's original line-up?" Yes)
It all started this morning, when I woke up with the Zombies "Tell Her No,' stuck in my head ..."But Jordyn, you cannot compare the Zombies to the Lovin' Spoonful!" I know, I know, please let me continue.
So there I was, singing "Tell her no, no, no/No, no, no, no," as I sat at my computer, checking my email and various newsy websites. I couldn't decide what to listen to ...Inspired by the Zombies (and already exhausting my Zombies' collection), I clicked to an oldies station, on my iTunes.
The Chi-lites (love 'em), the Turtles (even better), Bachman-Turner Overdive (that's ok), Buffalo Springfield (why not?), the Lovin Spoonful (Aww, the Lovin' Spoonful ..."Summer In the City," I can deal with this).
[30 minutes later]
Jim Croce (don't mess with Jim), Bread (eh, it's ...Bread), Aretha Franklin (R E S P E C T, I will) and the Lovin Spoonful (Ah ok, it's still "Summer In the City," didn't they just play this?).
[1 hr. later, returning from the grocery store, left the station on]
Steppenwolf (Oo just missed the magic carpet ride), Diana Ross (the only song I can stand that uses the slang "ain't" -Sing it Diana!) and the Lovin Spoonful (Again? Ok, I get it, it's "Summer In the City" and you're a "cool cat" looking for a "kitty").
[40 minutes later, cleaning my kitchen, putting things away]
Jackson 5 (they're never going to say goodbye, girl), Steam (na-na-he-hey-goodbye!) and the Lovin' Spoonful (Oo my! What!? C'mon now!)
[phone rings]
Telemarketer: "Hi, is Ms. Phelps, there?"
Me: "Yes" ["Back of my neck getting dirty + gritty"]
Telemarketer: [pause] "Hi, Ms. Phelps?"
Me: "Yes, speaking" ["Walking on the sidewalk/hotter than a match head]
Telemarketer: "Hi, Ms. Phelps, I'm calling in regards to the Lake County Police Dept. Fund-Drive -yadda yadda yadda"
[Mental Note: I don't even live in Lake County + by this time it's safe to assume that I am, indeed, Ms. Phelps]
Me: "I'm sorry, I'm not interested ..." ["Running up the stairs/Gonna meet you on the rooftop"]
Telemarketer: "Oo ok ...Wait, is that 'Summer In the City'?"
Me: "Yes it is!"
Telemarketer: "It's not summer today! [nervous laughter]"
[FYI: It was snowing outside]
Me: "[fake laughter] That's Chicago for you! Well, have a nice day."
Telemarketer: "Thanks"
[1 hr. or so later, sorting through mail, making coffee]
Beach Boys (wouldn't be an oldies station without them + Ba-Ba-Barbara Ann), Santana (where's my incense?), the Zombies (Hooray!) and the Lovin' Spoonful (...)
Remember the film (yes, film) Groundhog's Day? Bill Murray's character woke up every morning to Sonny + Cher's "I Got You Babe" (then again, don't we all?) ...By this time, the Lovin' Spoonful and I have stepped into the Groundhog's Day-zone ...You might also recall the scene where Murray grabs his toaster and attempts to bathe with it ...Hmm.
"Come on, come on and dance all night/Despite the heat, it'll be alright"
[phone rings]
Nick: "Hey"
[Paul McCartney + Wings "Band On the Run"]
Me: "Uno momento, Paul McCartney, be quiet!"
Nick: "Aww, Wings? Are they on the run?"
Me: "Perhaps ...Hey, I'm being stalked"
Nick: "What?"
Me: "I've been listening to an oldies station all day and the Lovin Spoonful's 'Summer In the City,' has been playing every hour, on the hour! I'm being stalked by the Lovin' Spoonful!"
[this is when both Nick and I started singing "Summer In the City, back and forth]
Nick: [mumble, mumble] "Hotter than a match head"
Me: "Cool cat, lookin' for a kitty"
[more of our duet]
Nick: [mumble, mumble]
Me: "We gave it a good go! Karaoke bars look out! The Nick + Jordyn Explosion is coming!"
[10 minutes ago, as I type this]
Doobie Brothers (!!!), Elvis (he's caught in a trap, can't get out), Jackson 5 (Primo! Leave Princess Milo alone!) and (Yep, you guessed it) ...the Lovin' Spoonful "Summer In the City"
"And babe, don't you know it's a pity/The days can't be like the nights/In the summer/In the city"
In the summer, in the city ...Where is my toaster?