Monday, April 23, 2007

Jane Austen Doesn't Live Here No More: For Those of You Who Want To Start A Book Club ...

The Department of The Treasury has a few suggestions ...

[The following titles are from a mini-flyer included alongside my federal tax return]

"Order some of our best sellers!"

-Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents, 2007
-A Healthier You: Based On The Dietary Guidelines For Americans
-Welcome to the United States: A Guide For New Immigrants
-Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2006-2007
-United States Senate Catalogue of Graphic Art

[in fine print] "If you have any questions, do NOT contact the Treasury Dept."

Benefits, diet, immigration, occupations and ...graphic art. The Department of The Treasury has all your bases covered ...And unlike Oprah and various other book clubs, they don't want to hear your imput. No essays, no journaling, no "reader of the week".

Note: I actually did a little research on Oprah's book club and came across one of the many membership benefits ..."O's Reader of the Week" and in turn a new goal has been born. I'm half tempted to join O's book club and work hard towards becoming a "Reader of the Week," just like Sherri!

I could have my own Q&A ...I've always wanted my own Q&A and to share my "lightblub moment" with fellow O readers everywhere!

I'm making my pledge today that I will be one of Oprah's "Readers of the Week" and I will milk my Q&A for all that it is worth ...That said, I hope that next month's selection isn't the Odyssey.

Ok, let me try this again: I'm making my pledge today that I will be one of Oprah's "Readers of the Week," unless that involves the Odyssey ...In that case, I'm ordering my copy of "Welcome to the United States: A Guide For New Immigrants".

Which I just so happened to find a PDF link to and after a little browsing (Ok, skimming), I present to you my Q&A on "Welcome to the United States: A Guide For New Immigrants" for the Department of The Treasury a la Oprah's Book Club, if the Department of The Treasury indeed had a "Reader of the Week" (Still with me? Good).

Q. How did you do it?

A. First, I should point out that I believe I'm the only member of the DTT book club, that said I'm tickled to be chosen as the "Reader of the Week". Aside from a few art awards in grade school and a few medals during my brief t-ball career (which I later found out everyone recieved), I've never really won much of anything so this is a true honor and I will not take this title lightly. So how did I do it? Well, I'd like to thank my dear friend Lisa for helping me with my taxes this year. I should also mention my other dear friend, Google for finding the PDF of "Welcome to the United States ...".

Q. How did the book affect you?

A. Well, the glare of my computer screen, a few pages in, started to bother my eyes a bit but other than that I was ok. I found the first section warning me that as an immigrant there are many "dishonest" people in the world that set up fake government websites to confuse and take advantage of me. I will never again be fooled by or The chapter on how to use 911 was very informative and I now know to never call 911 in order to "find out if someone is in jail".

Q. Did you have a "lightbulb moment" reading the book?

A. I did and fortunately for me it was a 60 watt soft white light energy saving replacement bulb that only uses 13 watts and will last up to 7 yrs. (if I only use it 3 hrs. a day). That's 8,000 hours! I'd have to say that's a lot of moments.

Q. Would you recommend this book?

A. Of course, I'm thinking of setting up a kiosk at O'Hare, but don't worry I'll make sure no one contacts the Dept. of the Treasury.

Q. Describe this DTT pick in five words or less.

A. Insightful book about parental advisory. Oo wait, that's Sheri's answer. Umm ...Mimi haja usingizi sahihi sasa.

Q. How pretentious do you find the "The" in front of Treasury?

A. Very.

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