[Indian woman, black hair w/ a sploch ..Yes, sploch ...of gray smack-dab ...Yes, smack-dab ...at the crown, looking at hair dye with a confused expression and blocking my way]
Me: [nudging my cart] "Excuse me, sorry ...Excuse me? ...Sorry?"
Woman: [thumbing boxes of blonde highlights]
Me: "Hello?"
Woman: [looks over at me]
Me: "Hi" [nudging cart] "I'm sorry, excuse me"
Woman: [continues to browse the glossy boxes of hair dye]
[Mental note: I'm trying this one more time ...If she's going to dye her hair blonde, she's going to need something a lot stronger than Clairol's "champagne dream" blonde]
Me: "Hello ...Excuse me?" [nudge, nudge]
Woman: "Yes hi, you help me"
Me: "What?"
Woman: "Where bla? "
Me: "Oo ...Um, bla? Black?"
Woman: "Yes, bla. I can't find it. I want this kind of box"
Me: "Black?"
Woman: [stare]
Me: [tugging at my own hair] "Black?"
Woman: "Yes! But I want this box"
Me: "Oo, well that's not black ...Here, this right here is black, like mine."
Woman: "But I want this box."
Me: "Yes, it's the same box but it's black, you want black. Look, this one down here is on sale $6.99, it's black too"
Woman: [stare, grabs box] "Like yours?"
Me: "Yes"
Woman: "I don't know"
Me: "It's a good brand"
Woman: [stare]
Me: "It's a good box"
Woman: [walks off w/ box and finally moves cart]
Me: [looks back in her direction] " ...Bye?"
In other news, I now have a camera of my very own, thanks to my dear friend Lisa (thank you, thank you, thank you)
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