Also, on Tuesday, Danielle, Carrisa and I were in the clinic when the topic of birds came up (That's right, I don't stray from controversial subjects ..Next week: My fear of that film that forms when you leave pudding out for too long) Both Danielle and Carrisa admitted to a fear of birds ..So after we clocked out for the night, Dana and I were walking out of work and what do you think was perched upon the front railing? A very odd looking pigeon or what could only be a very distant relative. He/she sat there calmly ..A dog went by, the bird didn't even bat an eyelash on it's beady little bird eye. We stood less than a foot away from him/her ..Nothing. A woman walked by and followed our glances towards the mass of feathers "Aww, doesn't SOMEONE look cold," she said without stopping ..Which makes little to no sense ..Especially considering the bird was a little smaller than a Nerf football and to be honest he/she looked warmer than I did ..Dana reached for a stick and did what any rational SARS fearin' person would do, started to pet him/her. Still, the bird didn't budge ..He/she just sat there, starring @ us, burrowing his/her unusually long beak into his/her black/white speckled plumpness.
Enter the moral dilemma, magnified by working @ a no-kill shelter ..Dana and I were beginning to think that this bird was possibly someone's lost pet ..Either way, he/she wasn't talking. Finally, Dana tracked down the phone number of coworker/bird aficionado Vicki but there was no answer. Dana and I then spent the next 5 or 10 minutes reassuring ourselves that we've done what we could, that we're being silly, etc. I took a step, then Dana took a step and with that we said "g'night" to the bird and walked towards the trains. (I later attempted to Google bird types and came up with a lot of ebay postings).
I'm sure given the proper effects, plot twists and perfectly Asian cast, this story could prove obscurely poignant and life-affirming. "It was a cold Chicago fall evening, daylight had settled in hours before and there sat a feathered reminder of life..s unwavering beauty in a cruel world" It's obvious to anyone this bird was taking a stand for stem cell research or was a victim of unrequited love ..or hated trees ..And if only I was serious while typing this, I could be both crazy and avant garde ..Instead of being desperate for an excuse to not get ready for work.
In unrelated news, I've been trying to imagine myself watching "Working Girl," in 1988 and not being alarmed by Joan Cusack's hair.
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