This is my living room on a good day ..Now picture patches of white fur scattered all over the (hideous) blue carpet (Reason No. 402 why I hate carpet).
I've started a new schedule @ work which no longer includes Fridays ..However, I did have to go in @ 12Noon for a belated phone training session. I can now answer the phone @ work ...How exciting.
I woke up @ 830AM, showered and had to be out the door by 1130AM ..I was out of my usual high fiber cereal (Mmm fiber) and with the clock ticking had no time to run to the grocery store -So I had a Seeds of Change frozen "entrée" ..As one would have guessed mushroom risotto, coffee and 9AM do not mix.
After my phone training, I had to rush home in time to stop by the cats' vet and pick up their dry food. Due to Primo's diabetes, he's on a DM (diabetic maintenance) diet ..And since it'd be near impossible to separate Primo's DM from Lola and Milo's other dry food ..They're all on DM and I can only get it through my vet (How ..convenient). The cats were all but out of dry food this morning due to a certain SOMEONE forgetting to tell me they were running low. Hence Primo's mood and his need to terrorize Lola ..which resulted in the tuffs of white fur all over my living room floor.
Primo has a vet appointment tomorrow and will be switching to PZI insulin ..Which is a bit stressful. Stressful not only because he'll have to be monitored more closely but since his vet is slowly inching towards retirement he has a stand-in vet ..And she drives me nuts. She's nice and all but she's awfully condescending and continuously refers to Primo as "SIR" (It's true, she speaks in CAPS)
The last time Primo was @ the vet for a fructosamine test , they took him away for a blood draw and Michael and I could hear Primo freaking out and the vet trying to calm him down ..We counted 17 "SIR"s that day. 'You need to calm down, SIR," "SIR, calm down," "SIR this isn't helping" and "We need you to sit still, SIR" ..A combination of that and the high frequency lighting made me want to scream. I wish they would let me hold for the blood draw.
And that concludes my cat portion of this entry ..I need to vacuum. I knew it was only a matter of time before I blogged about my cats ..And casually used the term "blogged"
I might as well take this a step further and post a photo of SIR Primo, who I wake up to every morning.
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