Unbeknownst to me, I'm this year's hottest holiday gift for ages 4 and up!
The Amazing Amanda doll is truly a cut above the rest. Take in consideration the Amazing Amanda doll's likeness to my own amazing self:
Aside from the physical resemblence ...We'd be a match on eharmony.com and all 29 levels of compatibility. While reading Amazing Amanda's description I couldn't help but point to myself, nodding, mouth agape ...It's uncanny!
According to walmart.com, The Amazing Amanda doll can:
-Recognize her "mommy's" voice
-She also recognizes objects such as her outfits, toothbrush, sippy cup, various foods and her potty (Eerie! ...I know a various foods when I see it)
-She expresses real emotions, such as smiling when happy or pouting when told 'no'
-She engages in two-way communication with realistic facial expressions and toddler-speak (which I have a bellyfeel is a lot like the Orwellian Newspeak)
-She can go "potty" and can even be used to promote potty training (I'm a longtime advocate for proper potty usage ...I take a stand ...err seat ...and potty for those that can't!)
-She keeps track of date and time, and offers reminders of upcoming holidays (Why, just the other day I was telling everyone that October is National Clergy Appreciation Month and don't forget Nov. 13-21 is Bladder Health Week ...which ties into my potty awareness!)
-She has an internal clock which can be used as a lovable alarm clock, and may help establish a normal sleeping and waking schedule for your child (I've often thought of myself as both lovable and alarming)
-Requires four "C" batteries (not included)
The Amazing Amanda doll also can say phrases like "I love you more than bunnies" and "You don't sound like my Mommy." ..Holy moly, I DO love you more than bunnies and quit trying to sound like my Mommy, STRANGER!
The Amazing Amanda doll buzz has reached the masses and boy o boy are they just as excited as I am!
Melony, an illiterate parent posted on apparenting.com:
"I think amazing amanda will be great for my doughter she is asking for it allready! but one thing I haven't yet found out: does the doll sleep?"
Melony goes on to ask: "is their any way to know if the voice bothers people?"
More postings about the Amazing Amanda doll, on apparenting.com:
"This doll is sick, the first time I saw the commercial I wanted to reach through the television set and smack the doll silly....I am half tempted to purchase the doll so I may knock some sense into it!" -Sandy, an obvious doll-aggressor
"does amazing amanda go to the tolite" -Lucy (who I think is related to Melony)
"I think she is a wonderful doll, she tells the little girl when she has to potty and she puts her on the potty, she goes. She says when she is hungry, and asks for food etc. We got my 11 year old daughter for her birthday because she asked for it. It was expensive but the whole family went together to get it for her. I think it teaches little girls how to be good parents, and BELIEVE me women today (some of them) have some poor parenting skills (no offense to those of us who are good).
What I wanted to know is if anyone has this doll, does she make a weird computer noise for you like she is malfunctioning? We just put the batteries in yesterday not even 24 hours ago and she is already acting like she is dying?" -Ellen (nicely put Ellen)
"My daughter got the doll for Christmas and she annoying i had to reset her 3 times. My daughter does not seem to like her she want me to turn her off. She talks like she has an attitude. At first i was all for the doll, now I'm ready to throw her out" -Kendra, who doesn't take any 'tude from any doll
"Granddaughter found her frustrating and did not want to take her home when she kept saying "you don't sound like my mommy" -Anonymous
"she is like a evil monster i can't shut her off. i can't put her to sleep either" -Anonymous (Sandy, is that you?)
So you see, dreams really do come true ...I finally have my own doll and she's "amazing" ...Ooo, sorry to cut this short -Time for potty!
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