First things first, a moment of silence:
VHS, 30, dies of lonelinessA compilation of equally evasive and self-indulgent facts about me:
Side A:
-I won the coveted "Art Award" @ Chippawassee Elementary, 1st-4th grade (Such awards were then discontinued in an effort to boost kids' self-esteem and the "warm fuzzy" program took it's place)
-There's a 99.99% chance I'll love any song w/ handclaps (Which makes Earth Wind & Fire's "September" one of the best songs ...period)
-Played violin 4th-10th grade, picked up the cello in 8th grade (I broke my violin's sound post in an effort to get out of my last recital)
-I've had goldfish w/ the following names: Beethoven, Mervin "Clinger" (due to an unfortunate defecation issue), Yuban and Serpico
-Ringo Starr & His All-Star Band was my first-ever concert (Not counting Muppets On Ice)
-Born in Exeter, New Hampshire
-First kiss inspired by a scene from Goonies (I think I was 9)
-I'm a published writer (including two poems ..Damn you teen angst)
-Born w/ a cleft lip and palate
-I own every issue of Oprah's O Magazine
-Richard Dreyfuss's character in "The Goodbye Girl" will forever be my ideal man (Actually, Richard Dreyfuss era 73-78, period)
-Fred from Scooby-Doo was my first love
-As a child, inspired by Disney's Sleeping Beauty, I used to stand outside by the bird feeder and sing hopes that a bird would sit on my shoulder.
-Natural blonde, starting dying my hair black 7 yrs. ago
-I have two uvulas
-Freshly washed pillowcases always turn my frown upside down
-I have a cinnamon obsession
-I do crosswords w/ a pen
-I moved to Chicago on my birthday, September 1st 2002
-I can still recall a dream I had when I was 4, involving killer robots invading my house ..I tripped over a robot tentacle and woke up
-I've never smoked pot
-I once took a 2 hr. cab ride to Detroit w/ a Jehovah's Witness cab driver (who peppered his conversations with "My ex wife is a whore!")
Side B:
-I prefer weekdays to weekends
-My painting career is on hiatus
-I prefer weekdays to weekends
-I've written 3 short films, filmed two (and not of the Paris Hilton variety)
-I'm a certified nutritional consultant
-I like to sleep w/ one sock on, one sock off
-I played t-ball for one season in the 1st grade
-I watch Good Morning America, every morning
-"Ball" was my first word
-I was a member of a jump roping team, Jump For Heart, in 4th grade.
-I've had over 7 surgeries and I've never broken a bone
-I floss my teeth up to three times daily
-I've never had a driver's license and do not know how to drive (And obviously have never owned a car).
-Warren G. Harding, the 29th President of the United States, is a distant, non-blood relative (He's also deemed one of the US's "least successful" and "worst" presidents).
-In 7th grade I was John Lennon for Halloween
-I could beat you @ Scrabble
-I can speak some Spanish, a little German, even less French, a smidge of Italian and absolutely no Japanese
-I watch Bears games
-Clam chowder was my favorite food as a child
-I'm a great swimmer
-I was never a Girl Scout or Brownie but I was a member of Camp Fire (briefly)
-I eat sandwiches with a knife and fork
-I was in tap dance classes from age 3-12
-I've watched Silence of the Lambs over 200+ times
-I talk a lot when I'm nervous, tired and/or trying to pass time (Hmm, I'm sure people know that)
-I have MacGyver-like powers
-I actually liked Brown Bunny
Bonus tracks:
-I'm the daughter of a former Dow Chemical welder/pipe-fitter turned major power plant inspector and a phlebotomist/aerobics instructor/all-around amazing woman
-I was a self-professed "dog person" before moving to Chicago
-My first job @ age 16 was a catering waitress @ a large hotel (I in turn have attended many high school reunions, award ceremonies, weddings, business meetings/events & company holiday parties ...Note: Chubby/"roomy' brides always wear tiaras and the class of '72 high school cliques still exist)
-I'm a longtime vegetarian turned vegan
-Nail polish and earrings make me feel overdressed
-I fell victim to an unfortunate perm in 3rd grade
-My favorite fruit is pumpkin followed closely by cantaloupe
-I'm horrible @ keeping surprises
Hidden Track:
-In the 2nd grade I attended a birthday party for Jay (the "cutest" boy in the entire 2nd grade) wearing a hot pink Rude Dog t-shirt, black fishnets underneath black spandex capri pants and jelly shoes ...Years later I found out he was Mormon
-I have all of the Beatles' UK/US album release dates dictated to memory
...You now know a handful of trivial tidbits about me ...Please don't forget a No.2 pencil is required for the test.